The Club
The Committee is a dedicated team of Members who look after the running of The Club. Should you wish to discuss any Club matters please feel free to contact a Committee Member.
If you wish to join The Committee please ask a Member to propose you prior to the AGM. A seconder is also required before you are considered.
Your 2025 Committee are the following Members
being an association incorporated by Act of the Royal Court under the provisions of Article 4 of the Loi (1862 et 1963) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l’incorporation d’associations
1. The Club shall be known as "St Clement's Golf Club".
2. The objects of the Club shall be to foster the playing of golf on the golf course belonging to the Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited and also to supervise and exercise control over the game (the “Objects”).
3. For the purpose of carrying out the Objects, the Club shall have the following powers:
3.1 to accept subscriptions, raise funds, invite and accept donations, contributions, grants and legacies from third parties and organisations, whether on an unconditional basis or subject to any conditions imposed by the donor. In so doing the Club must not undertake any taxable permanent trading activity and must comply with any relevant statutory regulations;
3.2 to enter into any one or more service level agreements with any Minister of the Government of Jersey or any other body or person providing funding to the Club;
3.3 to take such lawful steps including but not limited to public appeals, direct approaches to individuals or otherwise as may from time to time be deemed either by the Club to be necessary, expedient or desirable for the purpose of procuring contributions to the funds of the Club in the form of donations, subscriptions or otherwise;
3.4 to borrow or raise money for the purposes of the Club on such terms and on such security as may be thought fit;
3.5 to accept by gift, covenant, donation or legacy, purchase, take on lease or exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and hold any immovable and movable property and any rights or privileges connected therewith or interests therein which may in any way further the attainment of the objects of the Club and it may sell, let, exchange, mortgage or hypothecate immovable property as shall be expedient in order to raise funds for its purposes;
3.6 to develop any immoveable property acquired by the Club and in particular by preparing the same for building purposes, construction, demolition, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up and improving buildings, or any immoveable property acquired by the Club;
3.7 to obtain and pay for such goods and services as are necessary for carrying out the work of the Club;
3.8 to invest the moneys of the Club not immediately required for its purposes in or upon such investments, securities or property as may reasonably be thought fit, subject nevertheless to such conditions (if any) and such consents (if any) as may for the time being be imposed or required by law and subject also as hereinafter provided;
3.9 to print and publish or procure to be printed and published or to circulate or procure to be circulated (whether gratuitously or not) any newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books, pamphlets or other documents that may be deemed necessary or desirable for the promotion of the Objects or any of them;
3.10 to create, maintain, improve and amend a website to inform the general public, members and prospective members of the Club’s aims, membership, activities, grants and anything else relevant to the Objects;
3.11 to acquire, merge with or enter into any partnership or joint venture arrangement with any other association formed for any of the Objects;
3.12 to employ such persons as may be necessary in the carrying out and general implementation of this constitution and to provide for, arrange and implement the training of such persons;
3.13 to organize training, informative talks, presentations, volunteering fairs, events and any other function, meeting or tuition to further any of the Objects;
3.14 to open and operate such bank accounts and other accounts as the Club considers necessary;
3.15 to set aside income as a reserve against future expenditure but only in accordance with a written policy about reserves;
3.16 to do all such other lawful things as are incidental or necessary to the achievement of any of the Objects.
4. All funds and other assets held by the Club shall be used for the furtherance of the Objects and for no other purpose.
5. Full playing membership of the Club shall be open to any person proposed by a Full Playing Member who at the time of the proposal is up to date with their payments due to the Club under paragraph 6. below. The proposal to admit any person to full playing membership status shall be put to the General Committee and if approved, the person approved shall become a Full Playing Member of the Club as soon as they shall have made payment to the Club of the amounts scheduled in paragraph 6, below plus payment of the subscription required by the Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited:
5.1 A “Full Playing Member” of the Club shall be a senior member, 'senior' being a person who is not (a) under the age of eighteen years and or (b) in full-time education.
5.2 A person who is (a) under the age of eighteen years and or (b) in full-time education may become a Junior Playing Member of the Club if they are proposed by a Full Playing Member who at the time of the proposal is up to date with their payments due to the Club under paragraph 6. below. The proposal to admit any person to junior membership status shall be put to the General Committee and if approved, the person approved shall become a Junior Playing Member of the Club as soon as they shall have made payment to the Club of the amounts scheduled in paragraph 6. below plus payment of the subscription required by the Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited.
5.3 A person who is eligible to become a Full Playing Member of the Club may be approved as a Non-Playing or Social Member of the Club by the General Committee, following the same procedure as that set out above for a person to become a Full Playing Member, save only that the amount payable to the Club shall be that scheduled in paragraph 6. below, and the Non-Playing or Social Member shall not be required to pay a subscription to the Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited.
5.4 At the discretion of the Honorary Secretary or Honorary Assistant Secretary a Non-Playing Member may participate in alternative competitions subject to payment of the Senior Match Fee and payment of any subscription due to the Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited.
5.5 Only Full Playing Members shall have the right to vote at Annual or other General Meetings of the Club, and to be elected to the General Committee.
5.6 Bona fide members or supporters of a golf club or society visiting the Club for the purposes of playing golf for an open competition, invitation or a match shall be afforded temporary membership. The Honorary Secretary shall be provided with a full list of names of such persons by an official of the visiting golf club or society from the list of entrants for the competition, invitation or match for inclusion in the visitors' book. Temporary membership shall subsist for the period of such visit.
5.7 Any spouse or partner of any Full Playing Member shall have the status of Social Member and no membership subscription fee or levy shall be payable in respect of their said status.
6. Membership subscriptions and fees shall comprise of:
6.1 For Full Playing Members:
6.1.1 the annual subscription;
6.1.2 the annual Locker Room Fee, where applicable;
6.1.3 the annual Trolley Store Fee, where applicable;
6.1.4 the Senior Match Fee, where applicable;
6.1.5 an entrance fee charged upon admission into the Club as a Full Playing Member
Persons becoming Full Playing Members of the Club after the 1st January in any year are required to make payment to the Club a pro rata of the annual subscription plus payment of the entrance fee unless otherwise agreed at the discretion of the General Committee.
6.2 Where applicable the Locker Room Fee and or the Trolley Store Fee must be paid without pro rata deduction.
6.3 The Senior Match Fee is payable weekly when enrolling into any match, invitation or competition event
6.4 For Junior Playing Members:
6.4.1 50% of the amount of the annual subscription;
6.4.2 the annual Locker Room Fee, where applicable;
6.4.3 the annual Trolley Store Fee, where applicable;
6.4.4 the Junior Match Fee, where applicable.
Persons becoming Junior Playing Members of the Club after the 1st January in any year are required to make payment to the Club a pro rata of the annual subscription.
6.5 Where applicable the Locker Room Fee and or the Trolley Store Fee must be paid without pro rata deduction.
6.6 The Junior Match Fee is payable weekly when enrolling into any match, invitation or competition event.
6.7 For Non-Playing Members the annual subscription for non-playing membership status.
6.8 For Social Members the subscription for social membership status.
The amounts in respect of all annual membership subscriptions and fees shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
7. Annual subscriptions and fees where appropriate, shall become payable on the first day of January each year. Membership shall be deemed to have ceased forthwith if the Club's subscription and fees where appropriate and the subscription to The Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited where appropriate remain unpaid after the thirty first day of January, subject always to the ratification of the General Committee who may in their absolute discretion accept any cause considered reasonable.
8. Payment of a Locker Room Fee entitles a member to use of the locker room including the use of an assigned locker between 1st January and 31st December in any one year but only while such facilities are available to the Club at reasonable expense. At the absolute discretion of the General Committee use of the locker room by a member can be withdrawn should the member fail to maintain their assigned locker and or the locker room in a good clean and tidy condition.
9. Payment of a Trolley Store Fee entitles a member to use of the trolley store between 1st January and 31st December in any one year but only while the facility is available to the Club at reasonable expense. At the absolute discretion of the General Committee use of the trolley store by a member can be withdrawn should the member fail to maintain the trolley store in a good clean and tidy condition.
10. Membership status, changes:
10.1 A Non-Playing Member may become a Full Playing Member upon payment of the whole amount of the annual subscription and fees payable by a Full Playing Member and having paid the amount due by a Full Playing Member to The Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited in compliance with paragraph 5. above. Should there be a waiting list for full playing membership status the General Committee shall at its absolute discretion decide what place upon said waiting list the Non-Playing Member shall be allotted;
10.2 A Non-Playing Member who wishes to become a Social Member may do so upon giving written notice to the General Committee and shall thereupon cease to be a Non-Playing Member;
10.3 A Full Playing Member who wishes to become a Non-Playing Member may do so upon giving written notice to the General Committee and shall thereupon cease to be a Full Playing Member and liable thereafter to pay the subscription of a Non-Playing Member. Upon becoming a Non-Playing Member they shall be placed at the bottom of the waiting list for full playing membership status except at the absolute discretion of the General Committee;
10.4 A Full Playing Member who wishes to become a Social Member may do so upon giving written notice to the General Committee and shall thereupon cease to be a Full Playing Member;
10.5 A Junior Playing Member may become a Full Playing Member upon reaching eighteen years of age not being in full-time education and upon payment of the whole amount of the annual subscription and fees payable by a Full Playing Member and having paid the amount due by a Full Playing Member to The Jersey Recreation Grounds Company Limited in compliance with paragraph 5. above. Should there be a waiting list for full playing membership status the General Committee shall at its absolute discretion decide what place upon said waiting list they shall be allotted;
10.6 A Social Member who wishes to be considered for full playing membership status must be proposed in accordance with paragraph 5. above.
11. On admission to the Club a copy of the Club Constitution and Rules shall be given to each new member.
12. A waiting list of applicants for membership shall be established when the General Committee considers it necessary, also as necessary, waiting lists for use of the locker room and or the trolley store.
13. Any member wishing to resign shall give notice prior to 31 December. The resignation must be in writing and addressed to the Honorary Secretary, who shall submit it to the General Committee.
13.1 The member thus resigning shall continue to be responsible to the Club for all and any liabilities incurred during their membership.
13.2 Should any member resign from and subsequently rejoin the Club, the General Committee shall have power on their re-election to remit the amount of their entrance fee should they deem it in the best interests of the Club to do so.
14. The General Committee shall have the power to elect as Honorary Members distinguished persons resident in, or visiting the island. Subscriptions and fees payable by Honorary Members shall be at the absolute discretion of the General Committee.
15. The control of the Club shall be vested in the General Committee, which shall consist of the Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, together with five ordinary members. The General Committee shall have the power of filling any casual vacancies, which may occur between each Annual General Meeting.
15.1 The General Committee may from time to time appoint from their number and from the Full Playing Members such sub-committees as they deem necessary or expedient. The General Committee may depute or refer to these sub-committees such of the powers and duties of the General Committee as the General Committee may determine;
15.2 Such sub-committees shall periodically report on their proceedings to the General Committee and shall conduct their business in accordance with the direction of the General Committee;
15.3 Any such sub-committee shall have a maximum of three Full Playing Members and two Social Members.
16. Membership of the Club may be suspended or revoked by the General Committee if a member commits any act, which in the opinion of the General Committee is a breach of acceptable conduct and or may bring the Club into disrepute.
17. The General Committee shall be responsible for the good order and conduct of Club members while they are on Club premises or on the greens and fairways of the course and shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action against a member, including suspension or revocation of membership as set out above.
18. In the event that the period of suspension exceeds one month or the penalty determined upon is revocation of membership, the person whose membership is suspended or revoked may request, following delivery to the Honorary Secretary of a requisition signed by at least twenty paid up Full Playing Members, that a Special General Meeting of the Club be called within two months of the decision to suspend or revoke their membership.
18.1 The member shall have the right to put their case to the Special General Meeting, which shall thereupon vote to either uphold or rescind the decision of the General Committee;
18.2 The Special General Meeting will, if it has rescinded the decision of the General Committee, refer the case back to the General Committee for reconsideration, requesting that the General Committee take into account the case put before the Special General Meeting by the member in question.
19. The Captain or in their absence, the Vice-Captain, shall preside over all meetings held by the General Committee; these meetings shall be held at least once per month.
20. The General Committee shall promote competitions, revise handicaps, make awards and make rulings on any dispute between members relevant to the purposes of the Club, said rulings being final.
21. The duties of the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall include the keeping of a nominal roll of members, the keeping of true and correct minutes of each meeting, the banking of monies, the drawing up of the annual report in addition to the production of a fully audited and verified statement of accounts, and such other duties as the General Committee may request.
22. The General Committee shall have the power to make rules including rules of the game for the Club and to alter the same from time to time provided that all such rules are not inconsistent with this Constitution and shall be posted on the Club's notice board and shall remain posted in force until withdrawn.
23. The General Committee is empowered to make rules to meet temporary emergencies or such as it may consider necessary for the wellbeing of the Club, which shall have effect unless set aside by an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting and provided that such rules are not inconsistent with this Constitution save where necessary in the case of emergencies.
24. The General Committee shall ensure that at all times a suitably qualified person holds the position of Club Welfare Officer in order to oversee the wellbeing of the members of the Club and that such person complies with the Safeguarding Adult policy and the Children and Young People Safeguarding policy and procedure adopted by the Club from time to time.
25. The officers and ordinary members of the General Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting which will take place in the last quarter of the year.
26. At the discretion of the General Committee membership fees due annually from officers of the General Committee will be borne, in part or in full, by the Club in recognition of services to the Club.
27. An Honorary Auditor shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting, whose duty will be to audit the Honorary Treasurer's accounts.
28. Not later than four weeks prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, the Honorary Secretary shall post on the notice board an official request inviting nominees for the prospective officers of the Club: the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, the Captain, Vice-Captain and Honorary Treasurer. The form, duly completed, shall be collected by the Honorary Secretary no later than the Sunday prior to the Annual General Meeting.
29. Special General Meetings may be called on receipt by the Honorary Secretary of a written request, signed by at least twenty paid up Full Playing Members, or by resolution of the General Committee. The quorum at such meetings, save in the case of a meeting having for its object the dissolution of the Club, shall be twenty paid up Full Playing Members whether in person or by proxy. Resolutions, save in respect of a resolution for the dissolution of the Club in accordance with paragraph 38. below or the sale of assets in accordance with paragraph 39. below, shall be carried by simple majority of the Full Playing Members voting, whether in person or by proxy.
30. Only those persons who are currently Full Playing Members or who have been granted Honorary Membership status are eligible to vote at Annual General and Special General Meetings of the Club.
31. The Captain shall preside at all General Meetings and will sign the minutes thereof.
32. All formal documents shall be signed or sealed by the Captain and all contracts passed in form of law, shall be passed by the Captain whether or not they shall be authorised by the General Committee to be joined in such acts by another member nominated so to act.
33. The Captain or Vice-Captain duly authorised by a resolution of the General Committee shall represent the Club before the Royal Court of Jersey and before all tribunals whatsoever.
34. In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Captain, the Vice-Captain shall act on their behalf. Should both be absent, the General Committee shall elect one of their number to act on their behalf.
35. The Club Rules and this Constitution may not be altered or in any way amended, except at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.
35.1 Notice of any proposed changes shall be delivered to the Honorary Secretary at least twenty eight days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting;
35.2 In the event of the Club obtaining a liquor licence in respect of the Club premises and for so long as such licence remains in force, then no alterations or additions to the Club Rules and this Constitution shall be made without prior written consent of the Attorney General in accordance with the provisions of Article 56 (2) of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974;
35.3 It being noted that no changes to this Constitution may come into force and effect until approval has been obtained from the Royal Court in accordance with the Loi (1862) sur les teneures en fidéicommis et l'incorporation d'associations (the “Law”).
36. In the event of the Club obtaining a liquor licence in respect of the Club premises and for so long as such liquor licence remains in force:
36.1 No person or persons other than a member of the Club shall make use of the Club premises except upon introduction by a member. Such person or persons, if under the age of eighteen years, shall not be permitted to purchase or consume intoxicating liquor;
36.2 The member introducing such person or persons shall enter their own name and that of the person or persons they are introducing in the visitors' book, which shall be provided for that purpose;
36.3 The member introducing such person or persons shall be responsible for their conduct;
36.4 No member shall introduce more than three such persons on any one day save in the event of a hiring party organised in accordance with the Rules where the member may invite up to a maximum of 84 persons to attend such private function so that the number of people attending the function will not exceed 85 such number to include for the avoidance of doubt employees, contractors and other persons connected with the function but who are not guests;
36.5 No member shall introduce any person or persons who have been refused membership of the Club or been expelled from the Club;
36.6 Any one or more member of the General Committee may require any person or persons introduced by a member to leave the Club premises for any reason;
36.7 The Club bar shall not be opened and no member or guest of any member shall consume intoxicating liquor on the Club premises outside of licensing hours;
36.8 There shall be no unlawful gambling upon Club premises.
37. In accordance with fire regulations the Club premises can accommodate a maximum of 85 persons including employees, guests and contractors. Once at capacity, access, irrespective of status, shall be refused. This is absolute.
38. No meeting having for its object the dissolution of the Club shall be convened unless a written request is made, signed by at least one third of the Full Playing Members of the Club who are entitled to vote:
38.1 A quorum of such meeting shall consist of thirty percent (30%) of the Full Playing
38.2 On this occasion, members who are absent from the island, may vote by means of a written
38.3 In the event of the dissolution of the Club being resolved upon, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all proper debts and liabilities shall be given to such other association or charities preferably having objects similar to those of the Club as the Club may decide subject always to the approval of the Royal Court pursuant to an application in accordance with the Law,
39. No sale of assets of the Club, that is to say land and or buildings can take place unless a Special General Meeting is convened for that purpose; the proposition to be carried by two thirds of those voting.
Dress Code:
The following rules relate to appropriate dress in the Club premises:
Casual dress is permitted at all times although shirts or polo-shirts must have collars;
Discreet logos/branding only, polo-shirts, sweatshirts and jumpers with prominent logos or sporting club logos (excluding golf club logos) are not permitted;
Denim trousers or denim shorts are not permitted on match, invitation or competition days;
Golf shoes are not permitted;
For post-match, invitation or competition events Club polo-shirts or ties must be worn unless otherwise and specifically advised by the event captain. The event captain will select and communicate their preference regarding Club polo-shirt or tie
The following rules relate to appropriate dress on the golf course:
Tailored golf clothing only;
Shirts or polo-shirts must have collars;
No casual beach or football shorts;
No shorts with side "cargo" pockets;
Discreet logos/branding only, polo-shirts, sweatshirts and jumpers with prominent logos or sporting club logos (excluding golf club logos) are not permitted;
Denim trousers and denim shorts are not permitted;
Golf shoes must be worn;
For match, invitation or competition events Club polo-shirts must be worn.
Hiring Party:
The General Committee shall maintain adequate records in respect of each hiring party hiring the Club premises for functions permissible in accordance with paragraph 36. of the Constitution and the Club's right to occupy the premises.
The hiring of the Club premises shall be restricted to 12 events/functions in any one calendar year and shall be restricted to bone fide functions connected to members, such as parties for significant birthdays/occasions.
If liquor is provided it is the responsibility of the General Committee to ensure both the sale and consumption of liquor is undertaken in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said liquor licence.
The General Committee shall also ensure that if the Club premises are hired, the sale by retail of intoxicating liquor for consumption on the Club premises, to members of the Club and their bona fide guests is only permitted –
(a) if resident on the premises, at any time; and
(b) if not resident on the premises, during the permitted hours as set out from time to time in the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974, as amended.
The General Committee shall be responsible for entering any hiring party details into the visitors' book. Fees for hiring the Club premises shall be levied against the hiring party at the absolute discretion of the General Committee.
Any complaint shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary who, if unable to deal with the matter themselves, will refer It to the General Committee for consideration.
In no instance shall an employee of the Club be reprimanded directly by a member.
No paper, notice or placard, whether written or printed shall be posted up in the Club without the sanction of the Honorary Secretary.
All members are responsible for any expenses they incur in the Club.
Dogs other than guide dogs are not allowed in the Club and must not accompany a member or player whilst they are playing on the course. If a member is exercising a dog on the course it must be kept on a lead at all times.
The Club is not responsible for any possessions belonging to a member or guest, which may be damaged, lost or destroyed whilst on the Club's property or premises.
We honour & thank our past Captains for all their hard work, committment and dedication to this great Golf Club.

SafeGolf is a partnership of UK golf bodies committed to promoting a safe and positive environment for all those participating, working and volunteering in the sport of golf.
SafeGolf consists of members from the golfing bodies across Great Britain & Ireland and has been established to help golf respond to the issue of child protection in sport. Its mission is to safeguard the welfare of children and young people, as well as adults at risk, in the sport of golf. This will be achieved through a unique partnership which has the ability to influence and act as advocate for safeguarding across the golfing landscape, developing a consistent approach towards ensuring that all people have a fun, safe and positive experience when playing golf.
Members of SafeGolf include; England Golf, Wales Golf, Scottish Golf, Confederation of Golf in Ireland, The Professional Golfers’ Association, Ladies European Tour, The Golf Foundation, Golf Club Managers’ Association, the British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association and The R&A.
Our SafeGolf Adult policy and procedures can be found here
Our SafeGolf Young People policy and procedures can be found here

England Golf’s mission is a clear one – golf belongs to everyone, all who play, and all who aspire to play, must have an equal opportunity to do so.
By launching the Respect in Golf movement and working alongside the other Home Nations, industry partners and affiliated clubs, England Golf is committed to driving the message that there is no place for discrimination in golf.
Members can find documents relating to St. Clement's Golf Club's participation in the Respect in Golf movement here: